Tuesday 12 August 2014

The Best Retail Banks Ranking and Evaluation Criteria

The Asian Banker uses a robust and well tested proprietary methodology to evaluate the quality of retail banks in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and other emerging markets. Our assessment of the overall quality of individual retail banks is based on a scorecard that has been developed since 2000. The data collated from our annual programme is used to populate our benchmarking template and provide an increasingly useful service to the industry.
This page lists the methodology and the rankings for the best retail banks in each country and those that operate regionally. We have or are in the process of drilling down benchmarks for each business and operational areas of retail banking. The benchmarks and rankings at the business or operational areas we cover are listed in the respective pages listed in the side bar of the Retail Banking Working Group Website.
Core Belief:

“We believe that a well run retail bank is one that demonstrates a long term, sustainable, profitable franchise with the customer as its core proposition.”

The scorecard for our Retail Banking awards programme is predicated by the belief statement above.
For product and process level awards, please go to the specific pages on this site
The Best Retail Banks by Country and In the Asia Pacific
The Asian Banker uses a robust and well tested proprietary methodology to evaluate the quality of retail banks in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and other emerging markets. Our assessment of the overall quality of individual retail banks is based on a scorecard that has been developed since 2000. The data collated from our annual programme is used to populate our benchmarking template and provide an increasingly accurate assessment to the industry.
Our scorecard and rankings of the best retail banks by country
The Excellence Scorecard is used to evaluate banks on both a country and a regional basis for the Excellence in Retail Financial Services Programme. It is the backbone of the evaluation process and was developed with an eye on one of the key objectives of the programme, which is to create an instrument that is accepted by the player in the retail financial services industry as a viable, objective and representative measure of a bank's performance across multiple areas.
The scorecard consists of ten dimensions with 37 indicators. Only in some areas does size matter. We are cognizant that smaller banks may be handicapped in some areas, so only 5% of all indicators favour larger banks. The full scorecard used is accessible to paying subscribers of this programme.

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